The Daniel Wolf House is open during the first Saturday of each month — 9:00 a.m. until noon.
Tom was an enjoyable, dedicated and faithful member of the historical society. During the 30 years he was involved, Tom was there to help with anything that needed to be done.
Serving on the EPHS Board of Directors, Tom was involved in the maintenance and repair of the EPHS Daniel Wolf Museum and property.
As history unfolds, so do the costs for protecting our heritage.
Archiving, storing and displaying these precious items is necessary work — a task that our dedicated volunteers are happy to perform.
As a non-profit organization, however, we have financial limitations.
Our landmark EPHS museum — The Daniel Wolf House of East Petersburg, PA — needs repairs and upgrades in order to safeguard our history for generations to come.
A heating, ventilating and air conditioning system (HVAC) is required for storing snd displaying donated artifacts in a proper, safe environment.
Temperature fluctuations and humidity are deteriorating the 1905 State Street building, the artifacts and documents.
Without a stable, climate-controlled building, we are in danger of losing our cherished history.
With your donation, you will help us to protect the future by preserving our past.
To donate by mail:
East Petersburg Historical Society
P.O. Box 332
East Petersburg, PA 17520
Our Next Speaker Program: April 7, 2025 -
Haunting stories of East Petersburg and Lancaster County — Corey Aspril. Please bring your own hauntings and sightings to tell.
March 3, 2025 - Since the 1990s, the Patriot Daughters of Lancaster have honored their 1861 founding through re-enactment. The Patriot Daughters of Lancaster presented an historical account of their society.
May 5, 2025 - The Peter Gottschall family, the name-sake of East Petersburg –
presented by Robert Alley who explains the family origin and history.
June 2, 2025 - Walking tour of East Petersburg. A physical walking tour with a guide explaining the prominent buildings in East Petersburg.
October 6, 2025 - Cindy Beaston Civil War presentation. On The Double Quick: Marching from Wrightsville into History.
The East Petersburg Historical Society (EPHS) was established in 1976 with the purpose to preserve memorabilia from East Petersburg’s past and to make those artifacts available for the education of community residents.
Community members are asked to help by donating journals, letters, relics, or any other materials, that enable the society to preserve the history of East Petersburg. The monthly meetings are held the first Monday of the month (March, April, May, June, and October) at the East Petersburg Community Center, 6051 Pine Street beginning at 7:00 p.m., the public is invited to attend and to participate. Program topics are usually related to East Petersburg history, but occasionally include topics outside of the borough.
In 1994, the society purchased the Daniel Wolf house, located at the corner of State and Lemon Streets. Rehabilitation of the property is funded by donations from individuals and by fundraisers.
The Daniel Wolf House is open for tours and business including the “gift shop,” the first Saturday of each month (throughout the year) from 9:00 a.m. until noon. We have wooden replicas of East Petersburg buildings, Dorothy Hollinger prints, crocks, stationary, afghans, plus other gift ideas for sale.
The EPHS membership fee is $20.00 per year. If you would like to become a member or have any questions, you can contact us at or by calling (717) 723-9048.